Professor Erik Knudsen
Principal Investigator: Professor Erik Knudsen, University of Central Lancashire, is Ghanaian born, and having shot 2 films in Ghana, one of which was AHRC funded, he also has a particular interest in how film is evolving in the developing world.
READ MOREDr Nico Meissner
Senior Lecturer at the Griffith Film School, Brisbane, Australia, but was formerly a Senior Lecturer at Multimedia University, Malaysia, where one of the StoryLab workshops will be taking place. He has a PhD in the sustainability of independent filmmaking in relation to the internet.

Dr Sandra Caralina Patino
Co-Investigator: Dr Sandra Carolina Patiño is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Ibague and the Director of the research group Documentary Colombia. Carolina will be supported by her colleague, Susana Ortiz Obregon, who is a screenwriting lecturer and researcher at the National University of Colombia.
READ MORESarah Kuntoh
Participating Investigator: Sarah Kuntoh, Head of the Editing Unit of the Film Techniques Department, National Film and Television Institute (NAFTI), Accra, Ghana. She currently teaches Film Aesthetics and Art of Editing and runs the NAFTI Film Club.

Dr Iakovos Panagopoulos
Participating Researcher: Dr. Iakovos Panagopoulos is an Academic Scholar in Ionian University in Greece working with Professor Erik Knudsen. He is an independent filmmaker and is currently leading the StoryLab California workshops in Bakersfield, California
READ MOREDr Rowena Baldwin
Post Doctoral Research Associate: Rowenna Baldwin obtained her PhD in Sociology from the University of Warwick as part of an AHRC project entitled, ‘National Identity in Russia from 1961: Traditions and Deterritorialisation’.

Pilar Pedraza
Research Assistant: Pilar Pedraza graduated from the National University of Colombia and has a Masters in Documentary Journalism from the University of Tres de Febrero (Argentina).