Symposium Questions
The morning session provided an opportunity for the AHRC funded StoryLab International Film Development Research Network team, Professor Erik Knudsen, Dr Nico Meissner and Dr Carolina Patiño, to describe, report on and debate initial findings from the project, including reports on, and feedback from, the 45 or so independent filmmakers from Malaysia, Ghana and Colombia who are participants in the research network. This was complimented by presentations from, and discussions with, two diaspora filmmakers, Razli Dalan from Malaysia and Inti Martínez from Colombia.
A networking lunch was then followed by an afternoon of creative discussion and engagement that involved all delegates, using Remerge technology and Open Space / World Café techniques. This session was led by Dr John Law. Using the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals as a focused aspiration on which to build our discussions, a number of questions were designed to help facilitate a discussion with a narrative. Initial questions were signed to identify and priorities themes and problems around which people could congregate. Initial questions also sought to understand why people thought it important to collaborate across disciplines and what the potential shortcomings of such approaches may be. We sought to understand a little about the values that under pin potential collaborators’ interest in addressing these themes.
The narrative of the questions then moved on to becoming a lot more pragmatic, focusing specifically on the particular expertise of delegates and how these particular areas of expertise could address the specific UN goals and lead to specific project ideas with identified beneficiaries and locations.
The objective was to arrive at a series of concrete opportunities and then to take the products of these discussions to explore common threads that could potentially be the basis for further discussions around projects for eventual development.